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SAT/ACT/PSAT Software Price: $220.87

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The software entails in-depth SAT and PSAT content review, drills, strategies, and practice tests to help raise your score. Thorough ACT content review, drills, strategies, and practice tests designed to help raise your score. Thousands of test questions, complete score analysis and performance feedback, interactive lessons, exam strategies and hints.
When parents and their students make a decision to use our materials, our obligation to their success doesn't stop upon delivery. We are available to help the student through every phase of the college entry process, from testing to scholarship acquisition. Here at the Education Testing we treat every student as if they are our children too.
You can use this software on the following operating systems: Windows, Vista, XP. Mac: OSX

Terms & Conditions

Congratulations on your recent purchase from Academic Prep FOR COLLEGE PREPARATION! The total amount billed to your credit card is $220.87, including shipping and handling.

If you do not feel like this is a good solution for your student, please contact our customer service department at 888-903-1427 and we will gladly give you a Return Merchandise Number (RMA) for your Refund. Any material that arrives after the 30 calendar days evaluation period will be refused and sent back.

Please Read our Terms & Conditions

A refund minus shipping and handling $14.95 is only possible if we receive the material back within the 30 calendar days evaluation period.  

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I understand the return policy.

Thank you again for your order, and good luck on the tests!!!

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SAT ACT Ultimate Software

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